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KOSCA Divisions


  • Division of Criminological Theory and Juvenile Justice 

Chair:  백현인 교수 (New Mexico State University),

Division of Criminological Theory and Juvenile Justice seeks to enhance the understanding of the etiology of criminal and delinquent behaviors from diverse theoretical perspectives.  The Division is committed to foster and promote open and constructive dialogue, rigorous scientific research, and collaboration among academic scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers to develop effective and comprehensive delinquent/criminal behaviors-prevention programs and strategies.

Chair: 최경식 교수 (Boston University),

Division of Cybercrime aims to foster research and training in the field of cybercrime and cybersecurity. As an interdisciplinary approach, the division encourages collaboration between criminology and other cybercrime related disciplines for developing effective cybercrime prevention strategies and practices. The division intends to promote conference sessions pertaining to cybercrime issues for researchers and practitioners of crossing disciplinary boundaries via the rigorous exchange of ideas and information.​​​


  • Division of Korean Community and Criminal Justice

Chair:  박인선 교수 (University of Akron), 

The Division of Korean Community and Criminal Justice is committed to improving the safety of Korean immigrants and nationals (and other racial and ethnic minorities) in the United States. It seeks to accomplish this goal through promoting mutual understanding and cooperative relationships between the Korean community and the American criminal justice system. The division recognizes the increasing number of racial and ethnic minorities including Korean Americans and intends to facilitate the collaboration of scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and community members to improving system-community relations. 

  • Division of Policing and Public Safety

Chair:  한성일 교수 (University of North Carolina Charlotte), 

Division of Policing and Public Safety seeks to contribute professional expertise to policing and public safety via research, collaboration, and social networking. More specifically, the division intends to help students of policing to become the future policing scholars. To achieve the division goals, the division plans to organize and promote a session (or event) related to policing. The division can provide great opportunities to work along with members in research projects and to share their professional expertise through multiple channels (e.g. academic meetings, discussion boards, and social media). The division encourages All KOSCA members to share their knowledge and practice in policing with members.

  • Division of Women and Gender

Chair: 김빛나 교수 (Sam Houston State University),

Division of Women and Gender serves to bring together ALL members who are interested in addressing the concerns and issues of gender equality and women’s empowerment in the study of crime, justice, and the crime-processing system. The primary goals of this section are to facilitate and promote research and exchange of information concerning women and gender issues in the field and to develop effective pedagogical strategies and curricular for women, gender, and crime courses. The Women and Crime Section also encourages networking and interaction among members by providing a variety of opportunities for professional and social interaction including: panels and presentation on gender, crime and justice; and mentoring for female faculty and student members in the discipline.

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